Interested in serving as a Community Committee Member on a CSWG Committee or having the CSWG speak at your next meeting?
Let us know! With the reimaging plan of the CSWG 2.0 we are excited to welcome Community Committee Members to our six committees (Economic Security, Education, Employment & Earnings, Health & Development, Political Equity, and Violence & Safety). If you are interested in serving on one of those Committees or having one of our Commissioners share with your group about the status of women and girls and Tallahassee-Leon County please contact us at for more information.
The 2021-2022 Annual Report and CSWG 2.0
This past year has brought on a lot of changes and reimaging of the CSWG. We are excited as we head into a transformational organizational structure of the CSWG by adding a full-time executive director and expanding our scope of work. We are confident these moves will prove meaningful by ensuring oversight and implementation of policy recommendations, deepening community collaboration, establishing systems to facilitate research projects, and preserving institutional knowledge during times of transition
In April 2022, The CSWG and The Oasis Center for Women and Girls convened two meetings to discuss the future of the CSWG and reimagine its future. Both meetings involved current and former CSWG commissioners, as well as staff and board members of The Oasis Center. Both the CSWG and the Oasis Board of Directors unanimously and enthusiastically approved a draft plan.
The goal of the CSWG 2.0 will be to regularly assess gender equity and measure the wellbeing of women and girls locally and to provide leadership through research, policy and program development, education, outreach and collaboration, advocacy, and strategic partnerships. We anticipate these efforts will direct the work of the CSWG for several years.
Head over to our “Research & Publications” page to download last year’s full report and the CSWG 2.0 Plan that was unanimously approved by both the City and County Commission earlier this year.