As a citizens advisory committee, the CSWG welcomes all members of the public to any meeting. All meetings, both for the full Commission and for any Committees, are publicly noticed online on the City of Tallahassee Calendar, and on the Leon County Calendar. Additionally, our calendar is updated on this website to reflect our upcoming meetings. You may also request the public record minutes of the CSWG meetings by emailing your request to
We’ve expanded membership of the Committees to include former CSWG commissioners, direct service organizations, and experts working on those issues associated with the committee. Our Community Committee Members play a vital role in the work of the Committees and bring invaluable expertise, resources, connections, and research to the CSWG.
We welcome any interested citizens in the Tallahassee-Leon County area to join one of the six Committees interested in improving the well-being of women and girls in our community. Most committees meet virtually for easy accessibility and have one regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Please contact us at 850-222-2747 or via email at if you are interested in joining as a Community Committee Member.
If you are interested in applying to be a Commissioner, visit our Join the Commission page for more information and an application.

The CSWG regularly hosts and facilitates community-wide initiatives that support Tallahassee and Leon County women and girls. To further its goals, CSWG welcomes partnerships and sponsorships. Please consider supporting CSWG activities. Contact us at for information on sponsoring the CSWG summits or events.