Support Our Work

As a joint citizens advisory committee of the City of Tallahassee Commission and the Leon County Board of County Commissioners, we receive funding from both the City and the County. This funding is primarily used to provide administrative support to the Commission by The Oasis Center for Women & Girls, Inc. A small portion of this funding is available to cover expenses related to the activities of the Commission such as hosting public events and printing publications. We invite community members and organizations to consider supporting our efforts to assess, and make recommendations to improve, the status of women and girls in Tallahassee and Leon County by making a donation.

Financial contributions and in-kind contributions of goods and services both help to increase our capacity to advocate for women and girls. Tax-deductible contributions can be made as a restricted donation through The Oasis Center for Women & Girls, Inc. Financial contributions should be mailed as a check payable to The Oasis Center for Women & Girls, Inc. and mailed to 3064 Highland Oaks Terr., Tallahassee, FL 32301

Please be sure to indicate Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls or CSWG in the memo line!