Join our Speakers Bureau

As an ongoing effort to provide education and awareness of issues that impact women and girls in our community, the Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls has compiled a database of speakers for organizations, student groups, classrooms, events and/or training sessions. The Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls does not endorse any speaker, opinion, position or topic listed in the provided database. Additionally, the database is self-reported and it is the responsibility of the individual reporting to maintain accurate contact information. If you would like to be included as a speaker complete the following form. It may take up to 7 business days for approval of your application, and inclusion in the database. 

*Area(s) of Interest or Specialty

STEM: Women in STEM, STEM Education, Careers in STEM, STEM Research, How to Use Technology, Cyberbullying

Empowerment: Mentoring, Glass Ceiling, Lean In, Tribe/Village, Leadership

Multi-Cultural Barriers: Poverty, Racism, Oppression, Body Image, Sexism, Diversity, Ethnicity, Religion/Spirituality, Ageism, Privalege, Ableism

Whole Self: Financial Literacy, Employment/Career Choices, Etiquette, Social Media, Mental/Behavioral Health, Physical Health, Sexuality/Gender Identity, Networking

Crises and Challenges: Sexual Violence, Homelessness, Criminal Justice System, Abuse, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Bullying, Incarceration

Female Focused Organization